Invited Speakers

  • Guangying Jin is an Associate Professor in the School of Maritime Economics and Management, Dalian Maritime University (China) ( He received the bachelor’s degree of communication engineering from Northeastern University (China) and obtained double master’s degree of Software Engineering and Informatics Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology (China) and University of Bordeaux (France). He also received a Ph.D. (2019) from the University of Bordeaux (France) with a major of Informatics Engineering. His research interests include multi-criteria decision making, risk management in design cycle of manufacturing, smart port virtual team management, integrated enterprise modelling, human resource allocation and evaluation, artificial neural networks and logistics management. He has published several SCI/SSCI-indexed journals in Computers & Informatics Engineering, Expert System with Applications, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, Symmetry, Axioms, Processes and etc., also published several conference proceedings like IFAC world congress (2017), International Conference on Engineering Design (2019), ICIBE (2022), ISAIC (2022), NICST (2017,2019), AFIS (2016, 2018). He has been a member of the publication chair and technical program committee for conference. He has been awarded a number of research projects by the Liaoning Provincial Government of China.

    Abstract:  TBA